RCF Podcast
The RCF Podcast airs weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters. Expect engaging topics related to the Christian life, the Bible, and college. While the podcast is for college students, many of the discussions will be beneficial to anyone who wants to learn what Christians believe or grow in the faith. Listeners are invited to submit questions to podcast@rhodyfellowship.com.
RCF Podcast
Should A Christian Follow Their Own Heart? (Episode 30) - Mike Martin
We are often told that the best thing that we can do is to follow our own heart. A Christian may pause and recognize the danger in such direction, but what about the "new heart"? Can we follow that as a Christian? These are some of the questions that we'll address in this week's episode. Mike Martin, pastor of Sardis Baptist Church in Canton, GA joins us to provide biblical guidance on this subject.