RCF Podcast
The RCF Podcast airs weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters. Expect engaging topics related to the Christian life, the Bible, and college. While the podcast is for college students, many of the discussions will be beneficial to anyone who wants to learn what Christians believe or grow in the faith. Listeners are invited to submit questions to podcast@rhodyfellowship.com.
RCF Podcast
Legalism (Episode 40) - Matt & Alis Henderson
"You're just being legalistic!" Perhaps someone has said this to you or about you. Or maybe you've said it about someone else. But what is legalism? Is it a serious problem that we should worry about as Christians? We all know from it's connotation that it is not a good thing, but how can we identify legalism and avoid falling into it ourselves? We'll discuss these things on this episode of the RCF Podcast.